Mutiny on Ryanair flight

 Ryanair has apologised to passengers on a delayed plane at Stansted.

The flight, to Portugal, was delayed for 11 hours due to adverse weather conditions.

The flight had been due to depart at 8.25pm, but passengers didn't board until after midnight.

They then had a three-hour wait on the tarmac for the plane to be refuelled and could not disembark because the terminal was closed.

Since the episode, on February 14, a passenger has posted a video to YouTube, which shows people asking for food and water before a police officer came on board to calm things down.

Eventually, the police "broke into" the terminal and allowed the passengers to leave the aircraft, according to Sky News.

The delayed flight finally took off at 7.50am the next day.

Ryanair denied reports passengers were held on the flight against their will without refreshments and that flight attendants refused to turn on the air conditioning.

A spokesman for ground handlers, Swissport, said: "The weather on Feb 14th has been recognized as one of the worst to hit the UK for decades with high winds causing travel chaos across the country.

"Swissport and the airport were under considerable pressure with 30 additional diverted flights in addition to scheduled aircraft.

"The flight was loaded, but fueling was not available. This caused the delay.

"Swissport regret any delay to passengers and to Ryanair. However, in extreme circumstances, our staff worked tirelessly to ensure that diverted flights were dealt with as soon as possible."

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